

Al Leone di Girolamo

Collection National Library of France

Sample of other Minchiate Decks

Minchiate Etruria
Later Minchiate Pattern (LMP)

Minchiate Istorique (Italy)

Minchiate Poilly (France)
1658 & 1693

Private Collection

Pavel Langer

Minchiate Toscana
Earlier Minchiate Pattern (EMP)
Between 1814 & 1820

Minchiate Toscana
(LMP) Between 1814 & 1820

Minchiate Toscana
(LMP) Between 1820 & 1860

  Collection Amparo Aguirre

Early Minchiate Pattern

  Historical Reproductions

Minchiate Al Leone, Bolonia 1790
Museo Fournier de naipes de Álava
Edition 2004, Spain.

Minchiate di Roma, without date.
Edition Spencer’s 2022, USA.

Minchiate Al Cigno, Bolonia 1775 
Edition Lo Scarabeo, 2023              Collection Anima Antiqua

  Collection Amparo Aguirre

Early Minchiate Pattern

 Contemporary Decks based on E.M.P

Minchiate Fiorentine, Milano 1980
Reworked by Costante Costantini
Del Solleone Edition, Italy.
2000 numbered copies

Tarocco Fiorentino, Milano 1981
Original engravings by Costante Costantini Del Solleone Edition, Italy.

Minchiate Fiorentine, Roma 2022. 
By Marco Benedetti Edition, Italy.
50 numbered copies.


13 + 12 =