

Tarot Minchiate

Al Leone di Girolamo.

Reproduction of the deck  Tarot Minchiate Al Leone di Girolamo.

Hard box with matte lamination that includes:

A bilingual Spanish/English book with the history, the rules of the game, the description of the 40 triumphs and the fool, and the 40 Florentine prostitutes.

A scorebook to annotate the scores of the game with a map of versicoles.

97 cards of 10.5 x 5.8 cm, 300 grs. matte laminated.

100 euros + shipping costs.


Book download card

“Tarot Minchiate. The noblest and most beautiful of de cards games” Written by Amparo Aguirre.

Available in English and Spanish. 

5 euros



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